Current Instructor CV



Instructor, Poetry Out Loud, Adult Education, Santa Barbara City College, fall 2007

Instructor, Poetry out Loud, Santa Barbara Poets in the Schools, (high school) winter 2007

Poet-In-Residence, Santa Barbara Poets in the Schools, (grades K-6) fall 2003 – present

Outreach Instructor, University of California, Santa Barbara, (grades 10-12) 2003 –2004

Workshop Assistant, Core Curriculum, The Coaches Training Institute, 2003

Instructor, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1998–2004

Writing2: Writing Across the Disciplines

Writing 2 Link with Art History: Writing for Art History,

Writing50: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Research and Writing on Meditation

Writing 109: Writing in the Visual Arts,

Art History 156: The Art Historical Research and Writing Process,

Lecturer, University of Southern California, fall 1998

Northern Baroque Art

Graduate Instructor, University of California, Berkeley, spring 1997

History of Art 1B: Reading and Writing about Art

Teaching Assistant, U. C. Berkeley, 1992-1993

Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art

Art History Survey, Renaissance to Modern


Writer, The Santa Barbara Independent, March 2006 – present

Writing and Life Coach, This Life Coaching, 2002 – present

Exhibitions Intern, University Art Museum, Berkeley, Early Modern Art, 1994

Education Intern, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1989


C.P.C.C. Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, The Coaches Training Institute, 2004

Mentorship, Santa Barbara Poets in the Schools, under Perie Longo, Fall 2003

Ph.D. History of Art, University of California, Berkeley, 2000

B.A. Art History, Carleton College, magna cum laude, with Distinction, 1989


Reviews, Features, and Interviews on Art, Poetry, and Living, The Santa Barbara Independent, March 2006 – present

“Plugging in Poetry,” (cover) Dana Foundation Arts Education in the News, March 2007

Entry on chiaroscuro woodcuts by Goltzius, The Saul P. Steinberg Collection: Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Domenic Leo et. al. (New York: unpub., 1997).


"Venus of Willendorf" North American Review, forthcoming

"Umbilical" and "Walnut Fruit" Stand, forthcoming

“Umbilical” and “La Mezquita,” Sulphur River Literary Review, spring 2009

“Ardor” and “Nude,” Illuminations, July 2007

“Born” chosen for master class with Ted Kooser, SBWC Weekend Poetry Conference, March 2007

“After Pentecost,” South Carolina Review, forthcoming

“Miscarriage,” Mourning Sickness: Stories and Poems about Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss, forthcoming

“Heavens Open,” The Handmaiden, forthcoming

“Heavens Open,” “Miscarriage,” “The Message Comes,” and “Verliefd,” Zone 3, Spring 2007

“The Heart has More Chambers,” The Mindfulness Bell, Sept. 2001

“Creation and Expulsion,” South Coast Writing Program Anthology, Summer 1997


Co-Founder, Mission Canyon Poetry Crafting Group, April 2007

Member of zeugma, online poetry crafting group by application only, December 2006

Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference Weekend Poetry Conference with Ted Kooser, March 2007

Advanced Poetry Crafting Group led by Perie Longo, summer 2005 - present

Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference, 2005 (Community of Voices Poetry Scholarship)

Santa Barbara Summer Poetry Workshop, 2003

Reader for ETS, Subject A Exams, Berkeley, California, 1998

Fellow, Summer Institute in Composition, South Coast Writing Project, Santa Barbara, 1997


Course Development Project, Writing 50 on Meditation, UCSB Writing Program, spring 2004

Course Development Consultant, Art History 6B, UCSB, spring 1999

Consultant, Interactive University Project, Writing, Thinking and Art, U.C. Berkeley, 1997-98:

Developed curriculum and trained teachers


Organizer, Community Poetry Game, Santa Barbara,, April 2007

Area Coordinator, Poetry Out Loud,, 2007

Grant Writer and Web/Blog Mistress, Santa Barbara Poets in the Schools, 2006-present

2006 CAC grant award: $6,900

2006 POL grant award (including NEA money): $1,750

New School Liaison, Santa Barbara Poets in the Schools, 2006

Organizer, Art History Graduate Student Instructor Training Workshops, U. C. Berkeley, 1997:

Secured grant money, coordinated and facilitated series of five workshops

Program Advisor, Carleton Off-Campus Studies Program in Amsterdam, 1996


"Ardor" nominated for the Pushcart Prize, fall 2007

"Verliefd" first honorable mention, Santa Barbara Summer Poetry Workshop Fellowship Competition, summer 2007

Accepted by Writer’s Relief, submission service, November 2006

Community of Voices Poetry Contest Scholarship, SB Writer’s Conference, summer 2005

Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 1998

Kress Institutional Fellowship, University of Leiden, 1994-1996

Social Science Research Council Fellowship, 1994-1995

Full Scholarship, Seminar on Seventeenth-Century Dutch Culture for Art Historians, Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek, 1994

Berkeley Fellowship, U. C. Berkeley, 1990-1991, 1992-1994

Graduate Dean's Work Study/RA Fellowship, U. C. Berkeley, 1992-1993

Humanities Graduate Research Grant, U. C. Berkeley, 1993

Summer Travel Grant, Department of History of Art, U. C. Berkeley, 1992

Full Scholarship, Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschap, Zomercursus voor Nederlandse Taal, Nijenrode, 1992

Katz Graduate Fellowship in Art History, U. C. Berkeley, 1991


Reader, Poems of Love, Wordly & Spiritual, Intimate and for the Planet, Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, April 29, 2007

Panelist, “Expressive Arts for Emotional Outlet,” Youth Summit, Santa Barbara, April 28, 2007

“Believing is Seeing: Rembrandt’s Bathsheba and the Framing of the Nude,” Renaissance Society of America Conference, University of California at Los Angeles, March 25, 1999.

“Critical Thinking in the Classroom: What It Is and How to Encourage It,” Art History Graduate Student Instructor Training Workshop, University of California, Berkeley, August 21, 1997

“How Writing about Art Helps Students Write,” South Coast Writing Project Summer Institute, Santa Barbara, July 11,1997

“The Urban Development of Amsterdam in Relation to its Modern Structure,” Carleton College Off-Campus Program in Amsterdam, September 12, 1996

“An Example of Early Modern European Urban Development: Amsterdam 1200-1700,” Carleton College Off-Campus Program in St. Petersburg, March 9 and 10, 1995

“History So As to Imagine the Unexpected: Dutch Seventeenth-Century Mentality and the Nude,” guest lecture, History of Art 190E : Genres of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art), University of California, Berkeley, November 5, 1993